Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Provides reimbursement to licensed caregivers for meals and supplements (snacks) served to children enrolled in a Child Care Center or Family Child Care Home.
Nutrition Services Branch, 1914 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1914, Phone: 919.733.1923 or www.nutritionnc.com for information on your local contact.
Self-Help Credit Union
Provides loans to help child care providers get started, expand, buy equipment and real estate, and upgrade quality. Providers serving children receiving subsidy may qualify for a special low-interest loan program.
800.476.7428 or www.self-help.orgfor more information.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project
Comprehensive scholarships help pay the cost of tuition, books, and travel, may insure paid release time, require compensation incentives and encourage retention for child care providers working on a credential or degree in early childhood education or child development.
Child Care WAGE$®
Salary supplements that are linked to the education level of participants are paid every six months as long as participants remain in child care program.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Health Insurance Program
A portion of the cost of health insurance is reimbursed in child care programs that have all highly educated staff or participate in the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project.
Child Care Services Association, P.O. Box 231 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 or call 919.967.3272 or www.childcareservices.org
Smart Start Partnerships for Children
Provides support to improve the quality, accessibility and availability of child care for NC children and families. Also provides health and family support services to ensure children are healthy and ready to succeed in school. Services vary by county. Many partnerships provide grants and technical assistance to improve the quality of care.
919.821.7999 or www.ncsmartstart.org for the name/contact of your local partnership.
Partnerships for Inclusion
Provides technical assistance to support the inclusion of young children with disabilities, ages birth through five, in all aspects of community life, including child care.
Pat Wesley 919.962.7356 or http://fpg.unc.edu/node/8867
NC Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development
Provides information on educational opportunities and financial assistance for child care employees to improve the quality of child care.
919-942-7442 or visit their website at http://www.ncicdp.org/