  1. Home
  2. What's New
  3. Services
    1. Financial Assistance
    2. Background Checks
    3. Child Care Rules, Law and Public Information
    4. Child Care Development Fund (CCDF)
    5. Preschool Development Grant - Birth through Five
    7. DCDEE Moodle
    8. Early Educator Support (EES)
    9. Licensing
    10. NC FAST
    11. NC Pre-K Program
    12. Workforce Education Unit
    13. Smart Start Reporting System
  4. Parent
  5. Provider
    1. Training and Professional Development
    2. Background Check
    3. Child Care Fee Assistance for Military Families
    4. Child Care Rules
    5. Child Care Subsidy
    7. Emergency Preparedness and Response
    8. Foundations for Early Learning and Development
    9. Licensing
    10. NC FAST
    11. Provider Documents and Forms
    12. Providing Child Care
    13. Provider Resources
    14. Regulated Child Care in NC
    15. Stabilization Grants
    16. Expansion and Access Grants
  6. County
  7. How Do I...?
  8. Search for Child Care
  9. Kindergarten Search

Career Opportunities

Employment Opportunities with the Division of Child Development and Early Education

Are your looking for a new career in a fast-paced work environment that offers opportunities to make a difference in a child's ability to enter school healthy and ready to succeed? Looking to be a part of an organization that has received national recognition for being a leader in early childhood education? If you are, The Division of Child Development & Early Education is the place for you. The Division has played a major role in the work that has been done in our state to develop and implement integrated policies in the areas of child care subsidies, licensing of Child Care Centers and Homes and child care workforce issues. This work continues with the implementation of the nationally recognized five star rated license system for Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes. To learn more about the work of the Division and to see if it is the right fit for you, continue to explore our website.

If you want to become a part of our big family, The Division of Child Development & Early Education has a variety of positions located throughout the State of North Carolina. For a listing of specific vacancies, including their location and closing dates, visit the North Carolina Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) Job Opportunities Website. First time users of the OSHR Job Opportunities Website must create an account. Once your account is established, you can build an application. The saved application can be used to apply for specific jobs. It is important to include all of your relevant education and experience. Resumes are not accepted as a substitution for a completed application. Information included only on a resume will not be considered in determining qualifications. Update your saved application for each job you apply for. Be sure to list all experience, education, and training that qualify you for the position on the application form.

Submitting one application for several openings without updating the application for each position is not usually the best idea! Each job posting usually has some different "knowledge skills and abilities" and "management preferences" listed, so make sure that you write separate descriptions of your experience for each position. If your past experience includes some different jobs and duties, describe how your past experience fits each job.





2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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