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Subsidy Services

The Subsidy Services Section administers North Carolina’s Subsidized Child Care Assistance (SCCA) Program through the allocation of child care subsidy funds to all counties in the state. This section is responsible for developing, implementing, and interpreting policy for the SCCA Program.  Policy is made available to county departments of social services and other local purchasing agencies through the SCCA Program online manual, policy change notices, and administrative letters.

Below are the different components that form the Subsidy Services Section:

Policy Unit

The Policy Unit is responsible for developing and writing policy. This unit also provides policy interpretation, consultation, and guidance to families, child care providers, staff from DCDEE, DSS, and LPA’s as well as other community agencies.

Technical Assistance Unit

The Technical Assistance Unit provides technical assistance and training to DSS/LPA staff regarding regulations and policies for the SCCA Program. 

Program Compliance Unit

The Program Compliance Unit is comprised of a Program Compliance Lead Worker and four Program Compliance Consultants that monitor county departments of social services and other local purchasing agencies for compliance with requirements for correct administration of the Subsidized Child Care Assistance Program. 

Provider Compliance Unit

The Provider Compliance Unit is comprised of a Subsidy Provider Compliance Lead Worker, four Subsidy Provider Compliance Consultants, the Subsidy Compliance Activities Administrative Officer and the Subsidy Provider Compliance Auditor.  This unit conducts subsidy monitoring visits to child care providers who receive subsidy. 




2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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