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NC Child Care Snapshot

The following is a brief summary of child care demographics of North Carolina. Compared to the national average, North Carolina has one of the highest rates of working mothers with young children; thus, making the need for child care one of the state's top priorities. Over 200,000 children spend part or all of their day in regulated child care arrangements. The need and availability of child care is essential for the State of North Carolina's economic development and stability. 

On this page, information about child care facilities regulated by the Division and information about the Subsidized Child Care (SCC) Program is updated. To review monthly reports for regulated and subsidized care, go to Monthly Child Care Statistical Reports.

The Snapshot is made up of three (3) key categories:


North Carolina Demographics

Category Number
2016 Total Population 9,940,828
2016 Children 0-4 years old 605,960
2016 Children 5-9 years old 644,338
2016 Children 10-14 years old 651,637
2016 Total children under 18 2,286,390
Children under 5 as percent of population 6.1%
Children under 18 as percent of population 23.0%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates

Child Care Highlights

Child Care Centers
Number of regulated Child Care Centers 4,607
Number of children enrolled in Child Care Centers 246,622
Family Child Care Homes
Number of regulated Family Child Care Homes 1,878
Number of children enrolled in Family Child Care Homes 11,820
Number of children served 63,509
Total number of regulated facilities 6,485
Total number of children enrolled in regulated facilities 252,442

Source, Division of Child Development and Early Education Monthly Statistical Summary Report - May 2017 
Number of Children Served Receiving Subsidy  - 63,509

The Current Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan

The CCDF Plan is North Carolina's largest source of federal child care funds. CCDF funds must be used by states for child care subsidies and initiatives to improve the quality of child care. States are required to submit a biennial plan describing how CCDF funds will be used. 

For additional information on any of these statistics, contact the Division at (800) 859-0829





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