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Summer Day Camp Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process for a Religious-Sponsored Summer Day Camp?

Summer day camps that are operated by a church or school of religious charter can apply for a summer day camp license or can operate under the provisions of General Statute 110-106 by submitting a Letter of Intent. A Letter of Intent must be submitted to the Division at least 30 days prior to the first day of operation. This letter must be typed on church letterhead and signed by the Pastor/Responsible Party of the Church.

Your Letter of Intent to open a child care facility must include the following information:


____Letter of Intent must be on sponsoring organization letterhead

____Letter of Intent must be signed by sponsoring organization leader. (example: church pastor)

____Name of Sponsoring Organization

____Address of Sponsoring Organization

____Telephone Number of Sponsoring Organization

____Proposed Name of Child Care Facility

____Address of Proposed Child Care Facility

____Telephone Number of Proposed Child Care Facility

____Proposed Number of Children

____Proposed Age Range of Children

____Scheduled Opening Date

____Contact Person for proposed facility

____Copy of Operator’s Criminal Record Check Qualification Letter



Does the program need a building/fire inspection if off the premises more than 75% of the time?

No. The program must show an activity schedule showing that they will be off the premises (home base) 75% of the time. During inclement weather, you may not be on the premises (home base) for more than 25% of the time. If you are on site for more than 25% of the time, you must get a building/fire inspection for the home base, or provide a copy of the contract with an agency that will provide space during inclement weather. If you contract with another facility for inclement weather, you would not need a building/fire inspection.


Should staff have already taken BSAC before employment?

If staff were employed at the summer day camp last year, then they should have completed BSAC at this point. New employees have four weeks from date of employment to complete BSAC training.

Can a Summer Day Camp have violations on the first visit?

No. the initial visit is a pre-licensing visit, no violations can be cited. Consultants will document any non-compliance items observed during the initial visit in addition to what specifically needs to be corrected.


What is the age range for a Summer Day Camp?

School age and up
Summer Day Camps are normally designed for 5-12-year-old school-age children. Summer day camps may accept children 13 up to 21 years of age; however, in such cases a designation will be placed on your license that reads: “Care provided to children over age 12”


Preschool age children

If a Summer Day Camp wants to enroll preschool age children, they must meet all requirements for that age child in accordance with the Child Care Requirements. Even though a child will be entering kindergarten in the Fall and has already turned 5 years old, that child is not considered a “school aged child” until they have attended a public or private grade school or kindergarten.

Subsidy and Inspections (Religious-Sponsored Programs only):

Once the Letter of Intent is received by the Division, a Response Letter is sent to you stating that the religious sponsored program can open 30 days after the Letter of Intent is received in the Raleigh office. A copy of the operator’s and staff Criminal Record Check qualification letters must be on site prior to operation. The facility would, also, be eligible to receive subsidy funds when they open; however, no subsidy reimbursement for children’s care will be paid to the facility until issued the Notice of Compliance. Additionally, within that 30-day timeframe the applicant must complete all inspections (building, fire and sanitation). By the end of the 30 days of operation, if the program cannot meet all applicable Child Care Requirements, including receiving the three inspections, they will not receive subsidy payment for the child care services that were provided during the 30-day operating period. It is; therefore, in the program’s best interest to be certain that they choose a building that will meet code and that they understand the application of the Child Care Requirements that apply to religious sponsored programs.

Who takes care of the Subsidy applications?

Child care providers should take or mail a Subsidy application and the rate sheet paperwork to their local DSS for processing. Subsidy applications should not be given to child care consultants.





2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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