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  • Information about the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been moved to a new, separate area. Information provided by DCDEE related to COVID-19 and child care providers, settings and health precautions can now be found on the Coronavirus Information for Child Care page.





North Carolina Child Care Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday March 26, 2025 and a Special Meeting on Thursday March 27, 2025

The North Carolina Child Care Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday March 26, 2025, beginning at 1:15 p.m., and a Special Meeting on Thursday March 27, 2025 at the Division of Child Development and Early Education, 333 Six Forks Road, Conference Room 165, Raleigh, N.C. 27609.

There will also be an option to join the meeting via WebEx by clicking on the following links:

March 26, 2025

Webinar number (access code): 2430 340 9661

Webinar password: care (2273 from phones and video systems)


March 27, 2025

Webinar number (access code): 2433 889 3657

Webinar password: care (2273 from phones and video systems)

Please note that the meeting link will not become live until 15 minutes prior to the meeting

Number of views (124)



Public Notice: Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) Modernization Proposed Rule Amendments and Adoptions

Public Comment Period Closes April 4, 2025

The Child Care Commission intends to adopt the rules cited as 10A NCAC 09 .3201-.3226 and amend the rules cited as 10A NCAC 09 .0102, .2902, .2905, .3002, .3009, and .3010.

Read the proposed rules: 10A NCAC 09 .0102, .2902, .2905, .3002, .3009, .3010, .3201-.3226 Proposed Amendments and Adoptions 

Read the Office of State Budget Management Approved Fiscal Impact Analysis 


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FREE 1-hour DCDEE credit training - Address the Stress for Child Care Professionals!

Infant/Toddler Trauma-Informed (ITTI) Care Project Training (Free)

Child care professionals often feel overwhelmed, unappreciated and isolated. The work is hard and can be both incredibly rewarding and exhausting at the same time. Being responsible for children all day requires energy, patience, and staying calm when children are not.  Teachers, family child care professionals and directors need to be ready to respond to children's developmental needs with compassion and creativity to provide the relationships and environments that children need to thrive. 

In this training, we will start with YOU and your stress and support you in developing an action plan to reduce stress and thrive! We will practice and emphasize the importance of self-reflection, self-awareness, self-care.  Staff of the ITTI Care Project, a multi-level trauma-informed approach to promoting child care workforce wellness and relationship-based child care environments, provide an interactive training designed to help you prioritize workday wellness and reduce stress.

The ITTI Care Project offers this 1-hour self-paced training designed to help everyone who works in child care settings address their stress!  Click on link to register for FREE so you can complete the training whenever you like!

Learn more about ITTI Care here:



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Proposed N.C. QRIS Reform Rules Info for ECE Providers

The North Carolina Child Care Commission is proposing new rules and rule amendments in response to Session Laws 2023-40 and 2024-34 regarding the modernization of the state’s quality rating improvement system (QRIS). QRIS is the star-rating licensing system that applies to all licensed N.C. child care centers and family child care homes. The purpose of the star- rating system is twofold: 1) to promote high-quality child care by providing pathways for child care facilities to meet enhanced standards; and 2) to give parents a simple tool to help make informed decisions about the quality of a facility based on standardized educational and programmatic factors. Learn more about the QRIS Modernization in this webinar for child care professionals.

La Comisión de Cuidado Infantil de Carolina del Norte está proponiendo nuevas reglas y enmiendas a las reglas en respuesta a las Leyes de la Sesión 2023-40 y 2024-34 relacionadas con la modernización del sistema estatal de mejora de la calificación de calidad (QRIS). QRIS es el sistema de licencias con clasificación de estrellas que se aplica a todos los centros de cuidado infantil con licencia y a los hogares de cuidado infantil familiar en Carolina del Norte. El propósito del sistema de clasificación de estrellas es doble: 1) promover un cuidado infantil de alta calidad proporcionando senderos para que las instalaciones de cuidado infantil cumplan con estándares mejorados; y 2) ofrecer a los padres una herramienta sencilla para tomar decisiones informadas sobre la calidad de una instalación basada en factores educativos y programáticos estandarizados. Obtenga más información sobre la modernización del QRIS en este seminario web para profesionales del cuidado infantil.

Number of views (339)



DCDEE is pleased to announce the release of the Request for Applications for “Collaborative Model for FCCH Quality and Family Engagement”

DCDEE released the Request for Applications for “Collaborative Model for FCCH Quality and Family Engagement” on January 7, 2025. This Request for Applications has been updated as a result of federal guidance. The due date for Applications has been extended. Applications are due by 5:00 pm on February 17, 2025.

The purpose of this request for applications is to deliver a three-pronged approach to increase family and community engagement by providing resources and materials to Family Child Care Home providers; increase the quality rating assessments scores; and design an effective Community of Practice that will not only enhance providers’ professional development and share best practices but improve program quality by creating a space where providers can connect, learn, and grow together. The final approach will provide education to parents and guardians on how to best advocate for their child(ren) at the local and state levels. As part of model of evidence-based-practices, this RFA prioritizes continuous evaluation and improvement, ensuring that strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement are identified to provide a catalyst for positive change in early childhood programs.

Up to $1,600,000 will be available to support the RFA for a two-year funding cycle (2025-2026 and 2026-2027) with an optional one-year renewal term. Approximately $800,000 will be available to support Year 1 funding and $800,000 for Year 2 funding. DCDEE will determine the actual funding amount based on the proposed execution of the project and the utilization of funds as outlined in the successful applicant’s proposal, pending funding availability.

Eligibility requirements are included in the RFA.

Applications are due by 5:00 pm on February 17, 2025. Application Face Sheet RFA # 001-DCDEE-2025   

Request for Applications: “Collaborative Model for FCCH Quality and Family Engagement”

Line Item Budget Template  

Line Item Budget and Narrative Instructions    

Frequently Asked Questions

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919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
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