The North Carolina Child Care Commission is proposing new rules and rule amendments in response to Session Laws 2023-40 and 2024-34 regarding the modernization of the state’s quality rating improvement system (QRIS). QRIS is the star-rating licensing system that applies to all licensed N.C. child care centers and family child care homes. The purpose of the star- rating system is twofold: 1) to promote high-quality child care by providing pathways for child care facilities to meet enhanced standards; and 2) to give parents a simple tool to help make informed decisions about the quality of a facility based on standardized educational and programmatic factors. Learn more about the QRIS Modernization in this webinar for child care professionals.
La Comisión de Cuidado Infantil de Carolina del Norte está proponiendo nuevas reglas y enmiendas a las reglas en respuesta a las Leyes de la Sesión 2023-40 y 2024-34 relacionadas con la modernización del sistema estatal de mejora de la calificación de calidad (QRIS). QRIS es el sistema de licencias con clasificación de estrellas que se aplica a todos los centros de cuidado infantil con licencia y a los hogares de cuidado infantil familiar en Carolina del Norte. El propósito del sistema de clasificación de estrellas es doble: 1) promover un cuidado infantil de alta calidad proporcionando senderos para que las instalaciones de cuidado infantil cumplan con estándares mejorados; y 2) ofrecer a los padres una herramienta sencilla para tomar decisiones informadas sobre la calidad de una instalación basada en factores educativos y programáticos estandarizados. Obtenga más información sobre la modernización del QRIS en este seminario web para profesionales del cuidado infantil.
The purpose of this request for applications is to deliver a three-pronged approach to increase family and community engagement by providing resources and materials to Family Child Care Home providers; increase the quality rating assessments scores; and design an effective Community of Practice that will not only enhance providers’ professional development and share best practices but improve program quality by creating a space where providers can connect, learn, and grow together. The final approach will provide education to parents and guardians on how to best advocate for their child(ren) at the local and state levels. As part of model of evidence-based-practices, this RFA prioritizes continuous evaluation and improvement, ensuring that strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement are identified to provide a catalyst for positive change in early childhood programs.
Up to $1,600,000 will be available to support the RFA for a two-year funding cycle (2025-2026 and 2026-2027) with an optional one-year renewal term. Approximately $800,000 will be available to support Year 1 funding and $800,000 for Year 2 funding. DCDEE will determine the actual funding amount based on the proposed execution of the project and the utilization of funds as outlined in the successful applicant’s proposal, pending funding availability.
Eligibility requirements are included in the RFA.
Applications are due by 5:00 pm on February 10, 2025. Application Face Sheet RFA # 001-DCDEE-2025
Request for Applications: “Collaborative Model for FCCH Quality and Family Engagement”
Line Item Budget Template
Line Item Budget and Narrative Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
Training Modules Available in DCDEE Moodle
The Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) is excited to share information about the November 2024 child care rule changes. The Child Care Commission adopted changes to child care rule .0713 Staff/Child Ratios for Centers. Consultants will assist as you begin to review and implement the changes, but please note some of the changes may or may not impact your facility. The major change is related to the staff/child ratios for centers located in a residence.
You can access a summary of the changes, but for specific details regarding these changes please ensure you are using the updated November 1, 2024 rule book and view information in the DCDEE Moodle. You will need to have an NCID - the same NCID that you use for the health & safety training, WORKS login, and/or the CBC Portal - to participate in Moodle training.
If you do not have an NCID, go to the MyNCID Portal and select Register Now. After creating the MyNCID account wait approximately 1 hour, then login on Moodle. Allow 24-36 hours for a reply. Do NOT try to log in with your email address. Use your MyNCID username and password. Your MyNCID username is NOT your email address. You will not be able to log in with your email address.
Rule training modules can be found in the same course as the October 2017 Child Care Rule Rollout. If you are unfamiliar with the Child Care Rule Rollout within Moodle and are enrolling for the first time, information on how to navigate Moodle can be found here:
You can also access Moodle through DCDEE's website homepage. Need help? Email [email protected] or call (919) 814-6339 or (800) 722-3946.
The North Carolina Child Commission (Commission) will hold its Second Quarter Meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024, beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Division of Child Development and Early Education, 333 Six Forks Road, Conference Room 165, Raleigh, N.C. 27609. There will also be an option to join the meeting via WebEx by clicking on the following link:
Participant Webinar number (access code): 2429 647 6126
Participant Webinar password: care (2273 when dialing from phones and video systems)
Please note that the link will not become live until 9:45 a.m.
Keep an eye on your inbox for the 2024 annual license fee invoice. Invoices will be emailed to the facility addresses on file by November 30, 2024. Online payments will be due by December 31, 2024.
In accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 110-90(1a), licensed child care facilities are assessed an annual license fee. The amount of your annual license fee is based on the licensed capacity printed on your license as of October 1, 2024, not the number of children enrolled at your facility. Please note that annual license fees do not apply to state or public school-operated child care facilities, or to religious-sponsored facilities operating under a Notice of Compliance.
The Division of Child Development and Early Education remains available to assist you. For questions regarding license fees, visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on our website. For further assistance regarding your annual license fee, please email [email protected].
Thank you for your continued partnership!