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Child Care Commission

Public Notice on NC Child Care Commission Meeting

The NC Child Care Commission is made up of seventeen members: nine appointed by the Governor, four by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and four by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The members include parents, child care providers, a pediatrician, early childhood education specialists and general citizens. Child Care Commission Members are appointed to serve two-year terms. Members may be reappointed and can serve up to 4 consecutive terms for a total of eight consecutive years. The Child Care Commission meetings are held quarterly, generally in Raleigh.

The Commission is highly committed to ensuring quality child care across North Carolina. Commission members hear from parents, providers and the public about their opinions on child care in North Carolina’s Child Care Rules. This is generally done at each Commission meeting during a time set aside for comments from the public.

The NC Child Care Commission is responsible for adopting rules to implement the child care laws established by the NC General Assembly. The Child Care Commission makes rules about:

  • Procedures a child care center or home must follow to obtain a license
  • Health and safety requirements for child care
    • Safety of indoor/outdoor equipment and environment
    • Health requirements for children and staff
    • How medication may be administered to children
    • When sick children must be excluded from child care
  • Staff qualifications and training
  • Supervision of children
  • The maximum allowable ratios of staff to children in care (centers)
  • Developmentally appropriate activities for children
  • Nutrition standards that child care centers or homes must follow
  • Discipline policies of child care centers or homes
  • Requirements for transporting children
  • Records that child care centers or homes must keep
  • Voluntary higher standards to achieve a two-five star rated license
  • Administrative actions that may be taken by the Division of Child Development and Early Education against a license

If you would like to receive notification of Commission meetings, contact us with your email address to receive meeting notices electronically.




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919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
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