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Promoting Healthy Social Behaviors Initiative

The Healthy Social Behaviors Initiative was established to address behavioral issues in young children by offering services designed to identify, prevent and modify challenging behaviors with a goal of reducing the expulsion rate and promoting social-emotional development of all children in NC licensed child care centers.  The Project team consists of regional specialists, education specialists, and the project manager, ensuring that all 14 regions have access to the Healthy Social Behavior Initiative’s services.  Child Care Resources Inc. (CCRI) provides overall project management for this initiative.

The Promoting Healthy Social Behaviors in Child Care Settings project is managed by Child Care Resources, Inc.
"Promoting Healthy Social Behaviors in Child Care Settings" CCR&R Council, Accessed August 2018,   

Contact a local Healthy Social Behavior Specialist for assistance


Early Childhood Suspension and Expulsion Policy

The NC Early Childhood Suspension and Expulsion policy statement is a requirement of the CCDBG Reauthorization Act of 2014 that aims to prevent, reduce, and eliminate suspension and expulsion in early care and education settings.

See the North Carolina Early Childhood Suspension and Expulsion Policy Statement Summary.

See the Division of Child Development and Early Education Suspension and Expulsion Policy Statement.





2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
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