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Additional Resources




EES Unit Enrollment Application

NC Pre-K or Developmental Day Preschool Lead Teachers employed in private childcare facilities.

Must be completed by new NC Pre-K or Developmental Day Preschool Lead Teachers to enroll with the Early Educator Support (EES) Unit as soon as they are hired.  Users must HOLD a bachelor’s degree. Prior versions of the enrollment application submitted to the EES Unit for new hires for the 2024-2025 school year will not be processed.

Please allow the Intake Coordinator up to 10 days to process Enrollment Applications.

The Enrollment Application is to also be used for Lead Teachers who will re-enroll with the EES Unit due to regaining employment as an NC Pre-K or Developmental Day Preschool Lead Teacher.

  • Click here for additional instructions on how to complete the Enrollment Application.
  • Click here for YouTube video instructions with closed caption (cc).

EES Change of Information Form

NC Pre-K or Developmental Day Preschool Lead Teachers employed in private childcare facilities.

To report changes to personal information or employment site.

EES Site Administrator Update Form

New Site Administrator or the NC Pre-K Contracting Agency.

To report a change in Site Administrators or to update the Site Administrator contact information with the EES Unit.

EES Separation Form

NC Pre-K or Developmental Day Preschool Lead Teachers employed in private childcare facilities or Site Administrators

To report that you are no longer employed as an NC Pre-K or Developmental Day Preschool Lead Teacher in a private/non-public child care site.

EES Document Submission Form

NC Pre-K or Developmental Day Preschool Lead Teachers enrolled in the Early Educator Support Unit.

To submit unofficial transcripts, plans of study, Form E and V, test scores, and a legible copy of your license as requested by EES staff. 


Contact Information/Maps

BK Licensure Specialist Map

EES Regional Lead Map

NC Pre-K Program Policy Consultant Map

NC Pre-K Contractor Administrators



Chapter 9 – Child Care Rules

NC Pre-K Program Requirements and Guidance

NC State Board of Education Licensure Policy



Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Contact List

NCEES CEU Submission Process

DCDEE Electronic Transcript

NC Pre-K Lead Teacher Qualifications Chart

NCDPI Licensure Fees


Site Administrators

Welcome to Early Educator Support (Video)

Early Educator Support Site Administrator’s Training - June 2022


Other Resources

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood North Carolina

Child Care WAGE$

North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development








2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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