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  1. Home
  2. What's New
  3. Services
    1. Financial Assistance
    2. Background Checks
    3. Child Care Rules, Law and Public Information
    4. Child Care Development Fund (CCDF)
    5. Preschool Development Grant - Birth through Five
    7. DCDEE Moodle
    8. Early Educator Support (EES)
    9. Licensing
    10. NC FAST
    11. NC Pre-K Program
    12. Workforce Education Unit
    13. Smart Start Reporting System
  4. Parent
  5. Provider
    1. Training and Professional Development
    2. Background Check
    3. Child Care Fee Assistance for Military Families
    4. Child Care Rules
    5. Child Care Subsidy
    7. Emergency Preparedness and Response
    8. Foundations for Early Learning and Development
    9. Licensing
    10. NC FAST
    11. Provider Documents and Forms
    12. Providing Child Care
    13. Provider Resources
    14. Regulated Child Care in NC
    15. Stabilization Grants
    16. Expansion and Access Grants
  6. County
  7. How Do I...?
  8. Search for Child Care
  9. Kindergarten Search

Additional Resources

This website provides a wealth of information about Child Care in North Carolina. If you need additional information, the resources below may be helpful to you.


NC Pre-K 
is a community-based education initiative designed to prepare at-risk four-year-olds in North Carolina for success in kindergarten.

Boys & Girls Club 
In every community children sometimes find themselves at home with no adult care or supervision. Boys & Girls Club provides a safe place to learn and grow with caring, adult professionals and life-enhancing programs and character development. Visit Boys & Girl Clubs website for local contact information at

Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R)

Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) refers to an interrelated set of services to families, child care providers, employers, and communities that:

  • facilitate access to early care and education and school-age child care options for families;
  • improve the quality of those child care options; and
  • provide objective information for planning and policy development to the public and private sectors.

Child Care in North Carolina Brochure

Child Care in North Carolina Brochure (Spanish)

Child Care in NC  Resources

Child Care in NC  Resources (Spanish)

Consumer Product Safety Commission Logo

Consumer Product Safety Commission 
This site contains a list of all recalled products.

Head Start Logo

Early Head Start and Head Start 
are federally funded, comprehensive preschool programs designed to meet the emotional, social, health, nutritional, and psychological needs of families and children. Early Head Start serves children birth through three, and low-income pregnant women. Head Start serves children three to five and their families.

Head Start and Early Head Start help develop social competencies in children and promote self-sufficiency through a family-focused approach. Contact NC HSSCO, Office of Early Learning, at (919) 807-3618 or visit the website for programs in your area.

Early Learning Logo

Even Start
provides early childhood education, adult literacy (adult basic and secondary-level education and instruction for English language learners [ELLs]), parenting education, and interactive parent-child literacy activities for participating families with children ages birth through seven. Projects operate year-round and provide staff training and support services, such as child care and transportation, when unavailable from other sources, to enable participation in core education activities. Contact Jody Koon, Office of Early Learning, at (919) 807-3646 or visit the website for programs in your area.

Insure Kids Now Logo

Medicaid, and the State children’s health insurance programs (SCHIP)
North Carolina Medicaid and Health Choice offer different ways that may help pay for some or all of the cost of health care. Each program helps people and families with certain health needs, and income and resource limits.


Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) 
is a Federally-funded program that provides for a one-time vendor payment to help eligible households pay their heating bills. Only households containing an elderly person age 60 and above or a disabled person receiving services through the Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) are eligible to potentially receive benefits from December 1st through December 31st or until funds are exhausted.

Be Early Logo

North Carolina Early Intervention Branch (NCEI)
is a part of the N.C. Division of Public Health. It is the lead agency for the N.C. Infant-Toddler Program (ITP). The Infant-Toddler Program provides supports and services for families and their children, birth to three who have special needs. Research shows that this time period is critical. It offers a window of opportunity to make a positive difference in how a child develops and learns. Sixteen Children's Developmental Services Agencies (CDSAs) across North Carolina work with local service providers to help families help their children succeed.

Healthy Children NC Logo NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center Promotes safe and healthy environments for children in child care settings. Our toll free number, 1-800-367-2229, is part of the NC Family Health Resource Line. Information, resources, and referrals to the child care communities are provided in both English and Spanish. We provide consultation and technical assistance for Child Care Health Consultants and other professionals working with child care programs.

NC Choose Safe Places Program

Part of a national initiative to protect children from harmful exposures to chemicals while attending child care centers, the Choose Safe Places (CSP) program works with child care providers to ensure child care centers are located in areas free of harmful substances, such as lead, arsenic, or volatile organic compounds.

**Note: Choose Safe Places link to their main website:

Smart  Start Logo

North Carolina Smart Start 
North Carolina's early childhood inititative committed to making sure that every child arrives at school healthy and ready to succeed.

National Child Care Information Center Logo

National Child Care Information Center 
A national resource center that links information and people to complement, enhance, and promote the child care delivery system, working to ensure that all children and families have access to high-quality comprehensive services.

National Family Child Care Association Logo

National Family Child Care Association 
The mission of NAFCC is to support the profession of family child care and to encourage high-quality care for children.


National Center for Early Development and Learning 
NCEDL focuses on enhancing the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children from birth through age eight.

Zero to Three Logo

National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families: ZERO TO THREE 
An organization whose aim is to strengthen and support families, practitioners, and communities to promote the healthy development of babies and toddlers.

National Parent Information Network Logo

National Parent Information Network 
The mission of NPIN is to provide access to research-based information about the process of parenting and about family involvement in education.

NutriNet Logo

The Nutrition Services Branch of the NC Women and Children's Health Section works to promote sound nutrition habits among infants, children and women in their childbearing years.

Early Learning Logo

Office of Early Learning 
provides information about other community based preschool programs in North Carolina such as Head Start, Title I, Even Start and Preschool Exceptional Children.

Education Government Preschool Grant Logo

Preschool Grants Program 
is authorized under Section 619 of Part B of IDEA and administered by the Office of Special Education Programs, ED. It was established to provide grants to States to serve young children with disabilities, ages 3 through 5 years.


TANF also called, Work First, provides very low income families with children short term training, emergency assistance (transportation, child care, cash) and employment services to help families stay together and be self-sufficient. 

USDA Food and Nutrition Logo

Food and Nutrition Services is a federal food assistance program that provides low-income families the food they need for a nutritionally adequate diet. Benefits are issued via Electronic Benefit Transfer cards (EBT cards) .

Summer Camp Directory Logo

A Free Resource Guide for Families With Children Who Have Special Needs.

Lets Move Logo

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Let's Move!
A comprehensive national initiative with tips for families and providers on how to develop healthy eating habits and engage in more physical activity.






2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)


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