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Playground Safety

This training addresses playground safety hazards, playground supervision, maintenance and general upkeep of the outdoor learning environment, and age and developmentally appropriate playground materials and equipment.

To meet requirements for Playground Safety training, at least one staff member shall complete the training. If you are employed with a North Carolina licensed child care center, this training may be required as part of your professional development. Completion of playground safety training shall be included in the number of hours needed to meet annual on-going training requirements. If required to comply with Rule .1102(e), you shall have six months from the date of employment, or from the date a vacancy occurs, to complete the required safety training. A certificate of completion of this course shall be maintained and available for review upon request.

Playground Safety training may be received in-person, or through real-time virtual training. Distance learning shall not be permitted for playground safety training.

For additional information, please refer to section .1100 (Child Care Rule .1102(e)) within Chapter 9 – Child Care Rules for more information and guidance related to safe sleep practices.


Need to Attend a Playground Safety Training?

Playground Safety Training that has been received by an exempt or non-exempt trainer, recognized by the Division, may be used towards annual on-going training hours.

To see if a Playground Safety Training is available in your local community, please reach out to your local CCR&R or Partnership for Children. A link to our county resource page is provided to help you in your search:


Interested in Becoming a Playground Safety Trainer?

To receive authorization from the Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE), to provide Playground Safety training and award contact hour credits (CHCs), you must apply to request prior approval.

Important note: This training may not be given to child care providers for CHCs until DCDEE has confirmed approval or review of the submitted non-exempt/exempt training packets.

To request approval to provide the Playground Safety Training, you will first need to complete the Train-the-Trainer course available through Moodle platform.

You must request enrollment if you are interested in completing the Playground Safety training from the DCDEE Moodle platform.

The training itself is go-at-your-own-pace and is provided at no cost. Upon completion of the training, you will find presentation materials and resources for you to use in future trainings. You will also receive a certificate for verification of course completion.

To request enrollment, you will need to contact the Training and Program Development Consultant by phone at (919) 814-6365 or by email [email protected]. Following your enrollment request, the Training and Program Development Consultant will provide you with an on-going trainer qualifications form. Once you complete the form, you will need to return it by email to [email protected]. Please indicate your request in the subject line “Playground Safety Train-the-Trainer Enrollment Request”.

When your qualifications have been evaluated by DCDEE, you will be enrolled in the Playground Safety Train-the-Trainer and will receive an email stating your enrollment.

Following enrollment, you will be able to access the course. Go to the DCDEE’s Moodle page, login, and look under “My Courses” and select the training “Playground Safety Train-the-Trainer” to begin.


After completion of the course:

Non-exempt: Trainers should complete the non-exempt training packet for Playground Safety (denoting the contact hour credits (CHCs) for the training) and submit the packet by email to [email protected].


Exempt: If your training is not already listed on your annual training plan, please add Playground Safety Training to an addendum (denoting the CHCs for the training) and submit the forms by email to [email protected]




2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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