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NC Child Care Commission Approved Early Childhood Four-Year-Old Formative Assessments 2018

NC Child Care Commission Approved Early Childhood

Four-Year-Old Formative Assessments 2018


PRESCHOOL Formative Assessments

Balanced Assessment

Primrose Schools® Franchising Company, 2016

Approved for use in Primrose Schools® early childhood programs.


Big Day for Pre-K

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015

Approved for use with Big Day for Pre-K Curriculum with the stipulation that early childhood programs not use the Early Childhood Inventory.


COR Advantage

HighScope Press, 2014


Galileo Pre-K Online

Assessment Technology, Inc., 2012-2017



Teaching Strategies, Inc., 2010-2011


Mother Goose Time Formative Assessment

Experience Early Learning™, Published annually 

Approved for use with Mother Goose Time curriculum


Preschool Child Observation Record (COR), 2d Edition

HighScope Press, 2003


The Creative Curriculum® Developmental Continuum for Ages 3-5

Teaching Strategies, Inc., 2001


The Investigator Club Prekindergarten Assessment and Intervention System, NC Edition

Robert Leslie Publishing, 2012-2017

Approved for use with The Investigator Club curriculum, NC edition.


The World at Their Fingertips Formative Assessment/Portfolio System

Bright Horizons Family Solutions, 2012

Approved for use in Bright Horizons Family Solutions early childhood programs.


Work Sampling System Preschool - 4, 4th Edition

Pearson, 2001


Work Sampling System, 5th Edition

NCS Pearson, Inc., 2013

Approved with the stipulation that programs purchase the P-3 and P-4 Combined Classroom Kit.



Young Achievers

The Children’s Courtyard, 2016

Approved for use in The Children’s Courtyard early childhood programs.


Updated 7/17   

This list does not constitute an endorsement of any program using an approved formative assessment.










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