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2023 NC Child Care Commission Approved Formative Assessments

It is recommended that NC Pre-Kindergarten programs use the GOLD formative assessment in order to most easily participate in the transition to kindergarten project providing child development data to kindergarten teachers; however, programs may use any formative assessment tool that has been approved by the NC Child Care Commission. All NC Pre-K teachers are required to document child growth and development data from the Spring/Final Checkpoint in the MyTeachingStrategies® platform regardless of which formative assessment tool is selected.

The below list is the approved list of formative assessments for birth to four-year-old classrooms.


Balanced Assessment Evidence of Learning Portfolio

Primrose Schools® Franchising Company, 2021

Approved for use in Primrose Schools® with the stipulation that it is used with the Balanced Learning® curriculum and that teachers must use the formative assessment to inform planning.


Cognitive Toybox

Cognitive Toolbox, Inc.®, 2021

Approved with the stipulation that only observation-based tools are used with children under three- years-old.


COR Advantage

High Scope Educational Research Foundation, 2014


Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP)

California Department of Education, 2015


Galileo Pre-K Online

Assessment Technology, Inc., 2012-2017



Teaching Strategies, Inc. 2010-2011


Learning Care System

Learning Care Group

Approved with the stipulation that it is used with Learning Care Group curricula in Learning Care Group early childhood education programs.


Meaningful Assessment and Planning Process (MAPP)

Bright Horizons, 2021

Approved for use with the World At Their Fingertips curriculum in Bright Horizons early childhood programs.


Mother Goose Time Formative Assessment 

Experience Early Learning™, Published annually

Approved for use with Mother Goose Time curriculum.


Preschool Child Observation Record (COR), 2d Edition

HighScope Press, 2003


The Creative Curriculum® Developmental Continuum for Ages 3-5

Teaching Strategies, Inc., 2001


The InvestiGator Club® Just for Threes Assessment and Intervention System

Robert-Leslie Publishing, The Early Childhood Company®, 2022

Approved for use with The Investigator Club Just for Threes Learning System.


The InvestiGator Club® Pre-Kindergarten Assessment and Intervention System, NC Edition

Robert-Leslie Publishing, The Early Childhood Company®, 2012-2017 and 2022

Approved for use with The Investigator Club® Prekindergarten Learning System, NC Edition.


Work Sampling System® Preschool - 4, 4th Edition

Pearson, 2001


Work Sampling System®, 5th Edition Pearson, Inc., 2013

Approved with the stipulation that programs purchase the P-3 and P-4 Combined Classroom Kit.


Updated 1/31/2023

This list does not constitute an endorsement of any program using an approved formative assessment.





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