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Financial Assistance Frequently Asked Questions

What does eligible child care provider mean?

Parents (or the legal guardians) may choose their provider from a variety of types including licensed child care centers, family child care homes, religious-sponsored programs, and informal arrangements such as care by a relative or care in the child's home. In all situations, the provider must be operating legally and must agree to the conditions for the receipt of public funds.

May I receive assistance if my child attends Head Start?

Families with young children who are eligible for Head Start may use child care arrangements that offer care during the parts of the day and year when Head Start programs do not operate. In order to receive funding, the Head Start program must meet the same requirements as other child care providers.

Are there any other programs that provide assistance with child care costs?

Yes. Smart Start funding also helps parents pay for child care. Contact your local Smart Start Partnership for Children for eligibility information.

If my child is already with one provider that accepts subsidy children and I want to move my child to another child care program, who do I need to contact?

Parents may ask their county child care social worker if they desire to change child care providers. To help limit the number of changes, parents are encouraged to carefully consider their options and choose initially the program best suited for their family. If parents discover that a program does not meet the needs of their child, the child care social worker should assist in making the change.

If I am currently receiving subsidized child care and I move to another county, do I keep my subsidy benefits?

The county in which the child lives is responsible for payment of services for that child. However, counties have the option to continue paying for services when a family moves to another county within the state if subsidized child care funds are not available in that county and there would be an interruption of services if child care services were terminated. If you plan on moving to another county, you should contact your child care social worker to obtain further guidance.





2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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