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About the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five

Early Childhood Action Plan. Wheel with young children playing and with parents. Outer rim of wheel has text that reads: Healthy, Safe and Nurtured and Learning and Ready to Succeed.NCDHHS' Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) was awarded over $40 million in December 2019 to continue and expand the work begun in the state’s initial Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five.

The Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Care. PDG B-5 renewal grants were issued to states in order to build on efforts to facilitate collaboration among early childhood care and education (ECE) programs to better serve children and families. 

The PDG renewal grant requires six major categories of activities, and DCDEE has planned for various strategies to implement each one.The initial PDG B-5 grant (awarded in 2018) was designed to facilitate collaboration and coordination among existing programs within the state’s early childhood care and education system; the purpose of the PDG B-5 Renewal Grant is to build on that work, focused on strengthening the state’s integrated ECE system to prepare low-income and disadvantaged children to enter kindergarten and improve their transitions across early childhood into the early elementary school grades.

The PDG renewal grant requires six major categories of activities, and DCDEE has planned for various strategies to implement each one.

  1. Update the state’s Birth through Five Needs Assessment to inform ongoing planning to strengthen the early childhood system.
  2. Update the state’s Birth through Five Strategic Plan to ensure the state’s early childhood system best meets the needs of young children, especially those who are most vulnerable.
  3. Maximize parent and family choice and knowledge about the state’s mixed delivery system of existing programs and providers. 
  4. Share best practices among ECE providers by increasing collaboration and efficiency of services, including improving transitions across ECE services and programs.
  5. Improve the overall quality of ECE programs and services in the state.
  6. Support continuous quality improvement through implementing the program performance evaluation plan and leveraging data to examine the results of grant activities.

For more information, please read North Carolina’s PDG B-5 2019 Renewal Application outlining planned projects for each of the six required activities. The initial 2018 Application is also available.  

To learn more about the federal PDG requirements, please visit the Administration for Children and Families website or view the federal funding opportunity announcement.

Project Team

Kristi Snuggs

DCDEE, Deputy Director; PDG B-5 Project Director

[email protected]

Kate Irish

Family Support & Community Collaboration Subject Matter Expert

[email protected]

Janice Fain

Fiscal Analyst

[email protected]

Alexandra Morris

State-Level Family Engagement Coordinator

[email protected]

Sharon Johnson

Contracts Manager

[email protected]

Mary Payson

Transition and Data Platform Subject Matter Expert

[email protected]

Tilneil Gary

Grant Manager

[email protected]

Leigh Zaleon

Workforce Development & Quality Infant-Toddler Services SME

[email protected]

Tanya Morgan

ECIDS Project Manager

[email protected]

Theresa Roedersheimer

DCEE, Infant-Toddler Policy Consultant

[email protected]


The Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five strives to align and strengthen the systems that serve young children in our state. The following are resources that inform and align with the PDG B-5 activities.

Additionally, the following reports summarize findings and recommendations from surveys administered to NC Pre-K contracting agencies, program administrators and teachers. Funded by the PDG B-5 Planning Grant, the purpose of these surveys was to evaluate remote learning services to children and families during the statewide COVID-19 quarantine. These reports are utilized to inform strategies for how DCDEE can provide timely and ongoing support.




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