North Carolina Child Well-Being Transformation Council
SECTION 24.1.(b) North Carolina Child Well-Being Transformation Council Creation; Purpose; Findings. – There is established the North Carolina Child Well-Being Transformation Council (Children's Council) for the purpose of coordinating, collaborating, and communicating among agencies and
organizations involved in providing public services to children. … A more systematic and coordinated approach to services will help ensure that the State achieves the best possible outcomes for children.
SECTION 24.1.(f) Powers and Duties. – The Children's Council shall direct its focus on the
following initiatives:
(1) Mapping the network of child-serving agencies and organizations in the State.
(2) Cataloging examples of failures in coordination, collaboration, and communication in the context of child welfare.
(3) Reviewing the work of bodies similar to the Children's Council operating in other states to identify promising practices and focus areas for the Children's Council's work.
(4) Monitoring changes in the social services and child welfare system associated with reform and regional supervision.
(5) Identifying gaps in coordination, collaboration, and communication related to all publicly funded child serving programs.
(6) Recommending changes in law, policy, or practice necessary to remedy gaps or problems impacting coordination, collaboration, and communication among publicly funded child-serving agencies.
SECTION 24.1.(i) Reporting; Termination. – By June 30, 2019, the Children's Council shall submit an interim report to the chairs of the Senate Appropriations Committee on Health and Human Services, the chairs of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee on Health and Human
Services, the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services, and the Fiscal Research Division. The report shall include a summary of the Council's work for the previous year, any findings and recommendations for change, and a work plan for the upcoming year. By June 30, 2020, the Children's Council shall submit a final report and shall terminate on that date.
Children's Council Interim Report June 30, 2019
Children's Council FInal Report July 20, 2020