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DCDEE Training Approval & Renewal 

Prior to awarding contact hour credits for training provided, all trainers, regardless of their training status (i.e. exempt/non-exempt), are required to complete and submit an on-going training packet.

For training(s) to count towards on-going training requirements, the content must comply with G.S. 110-91(11) and 10A NCAC 09 .1105 & .1703. Please refer to Chapter 110 General Statutes Child Care Facilities (G.S. 110-91(11)) and section .1100 & .1700 (Child Care Rule .1105 & .1703) within Chapter 9 – Child Care Rules  for specific information.

Training & Professional Development Information


Exempt Status

To be recognized by the Division as exempt, the agency, organization, or individual who plans to provide training will need to meet at least one of the following criteria:

A college or university accredited by one of the following accrediting bodies would be recognized as exempt: (1) Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools; (2) New England Association of School and Colleges; (3) North Central Association of Colleges and Schools; (4) Northwest Accreditation Commission; (5) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; or (6) Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

  • Government agency
  • State agency
  • International professional organization or affiliate
  • You are providing training as a representative of an accredited college or university, government or state agency, or international professional organization or affiliate

The agency, organization, or individual exempt from training approval, are required to complete and email an Annual Training Plan/Addendum to [email protected] for training(s) planned to occur in the current year. Trainings listed on an Annual Training Plan/Addendum can include sessions offered in a classroom setting, as well as virtual learning sessions that are live (in real-time). Virtual learning can be offered through use of an on-line learning platform, including but not limited to: Microsoft Teams, Skype, WebEx, and Zoom.

Prerecorded training is recognized as distance learning and may not be included on the Annual Training Plan/Addendum. Distance Learning requires prior approval by the Division before contact hour credit(s) can be awarded.

Annual Training Plans and Training Addendum's for exempt agencies must be submitted to and reviewed by the Division on an annual basis. 

Non-exempt Status

To be recognized as non-exempt, the agency, organization, or individual who plans to provide training to award contact hour credit(s), who are not recognized as exempt, must receive prior approval from the Division as a non-exempt trainer. To request consideration to receive prior training approval as a non-exempt trainer, the agency, organization, or individual providing training will need to complete and email the Non-Exempt Trainer Packet to [email protected].

The agency, organization, or individual whose training(s) receive a non-exempt approval status must request renewal within 12-months from the last date of approval. Approval requests received after the anniversary date from last approval will require the training(s) to be resubmitted to the Division as a new training packet. Once the training(s) are approved, if changes/revisions occur to the training(s) the training(s) will need to be resubmitted as a new outline. 

Non-exempt trainings may include sessions offered in a classroom setting, as well as virtual learning sessions that are live (in real-time). Virtual learning can be offered through use of an on-line learning platform, including but not limited to: Microsoft Teams, Skype, WebEx, and Zoom.

Prerecorded training is recognized as distance learning and may not be submitted as non-exempt. Distance learning requires prior approval by the Division before contact hour credit(s) can be awarded. 

Distance Learning

The Division recognizes distance learning as training that is self-paced and available on-demand (prerecorded). Self-paced trainings can be offered through use of an on-line learning platform, including but not limited to: Blackboard, LearnDash, and Moodle. Prior to the provision of Distance Learning, when contact hour credit(s) will be issued, training authorization must be received by the Division. To request consideration for training approval, to provide Distance Learning, the agency, organization, or individual providing training will need to complete and email the Distance Learning Packet to [email protected].

Distance learning does not require renewal once approved, unless laws pertaining to child care in North Carolina, child care rules, or training content changes. To complete a Distance Learning Packet, please click on the Distance Learning Training Packet link provided above.


An agency, organization, or individual who plans to provide a onetime training event (i.e. child-care workshop, conference, and/or seminar) will need to complete and email the Conference Training Packet to [email protected]


Questions and training related inquiries may be sent to [email protected] or you may reach out to the Training and Program Development Consultant by phone (919) 814-6365.





2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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