Countable Technical Assistance
Countable technical assistance, as referenced in rule .1103(f)(g)(h), .1106(b), and 1703(f)(g)(h) is accepted by the Division when the technical assistance received was provided by a person endorsed by the NC Institute for Child Development Professionals as a technical assistance provider. Please refer to section .1100 (Child Care Rules .1103 & .1106) and section .1700 (Child Care Rule .1703) within Chapter 9 – Child Care Rules for more information and guidance related to countable technical assistance.
Countable technical assistance includes:
(1) a cycle of observation
(2) identified goals based on the observation
(3) a timeline for completion of identified goals
(4) evaluation and feedback for each participant
(5) technical assistance time in the classroom
(6) one-on-one consultation with each participant at a time when they are not responsible for a child or group of children
For every three hours of countable technical assistance provided, one hour may be counted towards the individuals annual training requirement, but may not exceed 50 percent of the total hours required; so long as:
(1) the program served has a 3-5 star rated license
(2) the individual has earned at least 18 semester hours in early childhood education
A combination of college coursework, Continuing Education Units (CEU's), clock hours, or countable technical assistance may be used to complete individual on-going and professional development requirements.
Documentation of the countable technical assistance will need to be current, maintained on file, and available for review to include:
- copies of documentation
- observations and evaluations provided by the person who has been endorsed by the NC Institute for Child Development Professionals as a technical assistance provider
- a record of the dates and times of technical assistance received, including the name of the participant and the name of the technical assistance provider