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Ongoing Training FAQ

How do I qualify to be a trainer?

Complete and email the Non-Exempt Trainer Packet to [email protected] or call the Training and Program Development Consultant at the Division of Child Development and Early Education at 1-800-859-0829 or (919) 814-6365.

I completed a curriculum education course (either on-line or in person) at an accredited 2 or 4 year college; can I count those hours toward my on-going training hours?

Yes, one semester credit hour is equal to 16 contact hours. The course must relate to one of the nine topic areas in the Child Care Law and/or the health and safety topic areas outlined in the child care rules.  Courses must also relate to your job responsibilities in the child care facility.

Can I take a course from a correspondence school offering distance learning and count the hours for on-going training?

The school or agency must have applied for and received distance learning approval from the Division. The approval should be listed in their printed materials or on their website. Courses taken prior to the approval cannot be used for on-going training hours.

I would like to take an on-line course; will this count toward my on-going hours?

Unless the course is offered by an accredited 2 or 4 year college, the training agency must have applied for and received distance learning approval from the Division. The approval should be listed in their printed materials or on their website. Courses taken prior to the approval cannot be used for on-going training hours.

I lost some of my training certificates; can you replace them?

DCDEE does not have copies of specific training certificates. You would need to contact the sponsor of the training session or the individual instructor. The rosters from approved training sessions are to be on file at the sponsoring agency for two years. Child care staff are strongly encouraged to maintain their own professional development file at home that contains proof of all their training sessions.

I have a concern about a First Aid/CPR Instructor; who do I call?

First contact the national organization or local training center that certified the instructor. You are also encouraged to call the Training and Program Development Consultant at 1-800-859-0829 or email [email protected]. You may want to contact your child care consultant if you have concerns related to potential violations. 

I have a concern about a training session I attended.

Always complete the evaluation form honestly and give constructive feedback. You can call the Training and Program Development Consultant to report your concern toll free 1-800-859-0829.

I don’t see my agency listed in the exempt organizations document on your website?

Please call the Training and Program Development Consultant to address this issue toll free 1-800-859-0829.

How does my agency apply to become an Exempt Training Organization?

Complete and email the Exempt Agency Packet to [email protected]

I work with an Exempt Agency and I need the current training packet or forms.

The training packet information is available on the DCDEE website.  From the 'Provider' tab, drop down to 'Training and Professional Development' and then slide to the right to access the training packet information. If you need assistance, please contact the Training and Program Development Consultant by phone at (919) 814-6365.

I would like to offer distance learning training. Where do I obtain the packet?

The training packet information is available on the DCDEE website. From the 'Provider' tab, drop down 'Training and Professional Development' and then slide to the right to access the training packet information. If you need assistance, please contact the Training and Program Development Consultant by phone at (919) 814-6365.

We are having a one day training event, conference or professional development day do we have to have it approved?

Yes, complete and submit the Conference One Day Training Approval form at least 15 business days prior to the event.






2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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