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NC Child Care Commission’s QRIS Modernization Plan (QRIS Reform)

QRIS Modernization Rulemaking Update

February 3, 2025

The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) published proposed Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) Modernization Rules in the North Carolina Register on February 3, 2025., beginning a 60-day public comment period. Interested parties are invited to submit Public Comments on specific rules now through April 4, 2025.

A Public Hearing will be held at 1:15 p.m. during the meeting of the North Carolina Child Care Commission on March 26, 2025 in Room 165, 333 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC and by WebEx. Sign up instructions and other details will be shared later.

The Administrative Procedure Act (G.S. 150B) provides for a uniform procedure for the adoption of rules. Proposed rule changes must progress through several stages of analysis, review, and feedback before becoming effective and entering the state’s Administrative Code. Learn more about participating in the rulemaking process from the Office of Administrative Hearings.


Better school and life outcomes for children depend on quality early childhood teachers who have the skills to ensure that children, supported by their families, have the early experiences they need for healthy development and a strong foundation for learning. North Carolina led the nation in 1999 when it launched its Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), a star rating system for early childhood education facilities. QRIS is a systemic approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in child care. It encourages programs to engage in continuous quality improvement and families may use the star rating to make informed decisions when choosing a child care facility. 

Since February 2023, the NC Child Care Commission has been working toward revising the Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) as required by Session Law 2023-40. Listening to and communicating with early childhood professionals, families, communities and businesses is a critical component to ensure a successful QRIS modernization. In 2023, the Commission conducted 8 in-person listening sessions and 2 webinars; provided a QR code survey and offered a QRIS email account to collect feedback. Thus, informed by national research, trends and outcomes, and input from more than 1800 NC early childhood education professionals, the Commission formed recommendations for change, such as:

  • Offering a choice of three pathways to demonstrate quality and earn a 2-5 Star Rated License. 
  • Updates to education standards for early childhood educators to expand options; and
  • Adds standards for both educators and facilities that support continuous quality improvement and family/community engagement practices that promote communication and collaboration.

In addition, on July 8, 2024, Governor Roy Cooper signed Session Law 2024-34, which includes Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) Modernization.  This law established three pathways to earn star ratings, directed the Commission to continue with rulemaking to support the pathways and allowed the following while rulemaking occurs:

  • Extension of Hold Harmless provisions - star rated license assessments and reassessments for licensed child care providers will be conducted by provider request only, until the QRIS rulemaking process has been completed. Star rated license assessments continue to be required for new child care programs.
  • Accreditation Licensure - Child care programs currently accredited through the approved accrediting bodies may move to a 3- or 5-star license if they are not already at this star level. Providers will need to submit a request to their licensing consultant and provide a copy of their accreditation award/certificate for processing: Accreditation Licensure Request Form.
  • Updated Program Assessment Tool – Beginning on February 1, 2025, child care facilities will use the Environment Rating Scale – Third Edition for family child care homes, infant/toddler classrooms and preschool classrooms, if requesting a program assessment or reassessment.  This updated edition includes language and interaction measures, a need consistently identified by early childhood professionals during listening sessions.

Now, the Commission is deeply engaged in the rulemaking process to spell out and implement the changes it recommended in the QRIS Legislative Report.


Webinar: Information Session for Parents Webinar: Information Session for Child Care Professionals

Webinar: Information Session for Child Care Professionals
Seminario Web − Sésion de Información No. 4 para los Profesionales de Cuidado Infantil

Parents, learn more about proposed changes to the Star Rating Sytem Learn about the QRIS Modernization in this webinar for child care professionals. Learn more about the QRIS Modernization in this webinar for child care professionals.  Presented in English with live Spanish translation.
Obtenga más información sobre la modernización del QRIS en este seminario web para profesionales del cuidado infantil. Presentado en inglés con interpretación en vivo en español.
Webinar Slides Webinar Slides Webinar Slides | Las Diapositivas 


We understand that you may have questions as you consider this information. Questions about QRIS Modernization (Reform) may be sent to [email protected]. In an effort to provide consistent and accurate answers to all individuals, we collect questions and answer them in the Frequently Asked Questions document above.




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