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Select a County

Star Rating

Child Care Provider Type

Subsidy Rate Calculator

(Note: Please enter either Weekly Rates or Monthly Rates.)
  If you have changed any values, be sure to press the CALCULATE button before pressing PRINT.
*This is an estimated approval rate. Refer to the facility’s generated Approval Notice in NC FAST for accurate approval rates.

Instructions to Calculate Subsidy Payment

Subsidy Payment for Current Star Rated License

  1. Select county, type of facility and current star rated license.
  2. First column Weekly Rates -if you charge weekly tuition, enter your weekly rates. (Weekly Rates are the weekly private pay rates charged to private paying parents.)
  3. Second column Monthly Rates – – if you charge monthly tuition enter your monthly rates (Monthly Rates are the monthly private pay rates charged to private paying parents.)
  4. Select Calculate. The calculator will automatically fill in data for the remaining columns.
  5. Print or save chart to review with your facility’s approval notice. Approval Notices are generated in NC FAST and can be found in the NC FAST Provider Portal,
    • Applicable Weekly Rate X 4.333 – determines monthly payment.
    • Applicable monthly rate / 4.333 - determines weekly payment.
    • Applicable Star Market Rate – the applicable market rate for the specific county, star level and age group.
    • Estimated Approved Rate – the estimated monthly payment rate per child which is the private pay rate or the market rate, whichever is less.

    If you need assistance, contact staff in the Division’s Subsidy Services Section at 919-814-6380 or at [email protected].





2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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