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Applicants can now create an Interstate Background Check (those seeking to work in child care in another state) with ABCMS.  DCDEE will accept the older forms through the end of October 2022. 

DCDEE has developed a user guide that you can find here


The information below is to be used only to dispute a criminal record or placement on a registry.  If you have any questions, please contact DCDEE prior to contacting these agencies.  It is likely we can answer your question. 

Interstate Criminal Background Check

Interstate Sex Offender Registry (SOR) Check

Interstate Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Registry Check

North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation
P.O. Box 29500 - 3320 Garner Road, Raleigh, North Carolina – 27626
Phone (919) 582-8600
[email protected]
Fax (919) 661-5977
Due to Federal guidelines defined on 08/14/2017, no steps need to be taken by the applicant to obtain this criminal history information from this specific state.  Individuals who would like to contest the accuracy of a NC Criminal History record may begin at

Forms are available from the NC SBI if needed. Fees vary depending on the check needed.  Please contact the NC SBI for this information.
National Fingerprint File (NFF) State - Yes
National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact State - Yes


North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation
P.O. Box 29500 – 3320 Garner Road, Raleigh, North Carolina - 27596
(919) 582-8600
[email protected]
Fax (919) 661-5977
Public registry search.  This does not require registration. 
No forms are needed.  This check is conducted by DCDEE.
No fee is charged for this service. 

NC Department of Health and Human Services Social Services Centralized Registry
2401 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC  27699
Phone: (919) 527-6335
Fax: (919) 334-1018
Instructions (e.g. Does a portal/system account need to be created to make a request, types of identification needed, types of payment accepted, appeals, how will forms be accepted, FAQs)
No forms are needed.  This check is conducted by DCDEE.
No fee is charged for this service
The Social Services Commission shall adopt rules regarding the operation of the central registry and responsible-individuals list (RIL), including procedures for notifying a responsible individual of a determination of abuse or serious neglect. The name of an individual who has been identified as a responsible individual shall be placed on the RIL only after one of the following: • The individual is properly notified pursuant to § 7B-320 and fails to file a petition for judicial review in a timely manner. • The court determines that the individual is a responsible individual as a result of a hearing on the individual’s petition for judicial review. • The individual is criminally convicted as a result of the same incident involved in an investigative assessment response. Within 5 working days after the completion of an investigation that results in a determination of abuse or serious neglect and the identification of a responsible individual, the director of the Department of Social Services shall deliver written notice of the determination to the identified individual. The notice shall include all of the following: • The nature of the investigation • That the individual has been identified as a responsible individual • A summary of the evidence supporting determination • A statement that unless the individual petitions for judicial review, his or her name will be placed on the RIL • A description of the actions the individual must take to seek judicial review of the determination • A copy of a petition for judicial review form The person must file a petition for judicial review within 15 days of the receipt of the notice. Failure to timely file the petition constitutes a waiver of the person’s right to a district court hearing and to contest the placement of the individual’s name on the RIL. Upon the filing of a petition, the court clerk shall calendar the matter for hearing within 45 days. At the hearing, the director shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of evidence the abuse or serious neglect and the identification of the person seeking judicial review as a responsible individual. Upon receipt of a notice of a hearing, the director shall review all records, reports, and other information gathered during the investigation. If after a review, the director determines that there is not sufficient evidence to support a determination that the person abused or seriously neglected the child and is a responsible individual, the director shall prepare a written statement of the determination and deliver the statement to the individual seeking judicial review. The director also shall give written notice of the director’s determination to the court clerk, and the judicial review hearing shall be cancelled. Within 30 days after completion of the hearing, the court shall enter an order containing findings of fact and conclusions of law. If the court concludes that the director has not established by a preponderance of evidence abuse or serious neglect or the identification of the responsible individual, the court shall reverse the director’s determination and order the director not to place the individual’s name on the RIL. If the court concludes that the director has established by a preponderance of the evidence abuse or serious neglect and the identification of the individual seeking judicial review as a responsible individual, the court shall order the director to place the individual’s name on the RIL. A person who has been identified as a responsible individual may not petition for judicial review if either of the following apply: • The person is criminally convicted as a result of the same incident. • After proper notice, the person fails to file a petition for judicial review with the district court in a timely manner.




2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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