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Resuming Star Rated License Reassessments

On June 12, 2023 Governor Cooper signed Session Law 2023-40; Senate Bill 291. This law extends the hold harmless status for facilities operating with a star rated license until June 30, 2024. Additionally, it extends the reduced percentage of lead teachers that must meet the point levels from 75% to 50% until June 30, 2026.

On June 27, 2023 the Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) introduced a cohort model and timeline for resuming the star rated license reassessments. This cohort model includes a preparation year and a reassessment year. Right now, DCDEE is focusing on cohort one. Facilities within this cohort are not required to do anything until the reassessment year. However, there are opportunities within the preparation year that will help prepare child care facilities for the reassessment year. Licensing consultants are reaching out to share more information on which of the following cohorts’ facilities are in and the programmatic and education initiatives available to support them in preparing for a reassessment.

Cohorts Past Due or Incoming
Reassessment Years
1 2020 and prior, 2021

Prep Year: 7/1/23-6/30/24
Reassessment Year: 7/1/24-6/30/25

2 2022, 2023

Prep Year: 7/1/24-6/30/25
Reassessment Year: 7/1/25-6/30/26

3 2024, 2025, 2026

Prep Year: 7/1/25-6/30/26
Reassessment Year: 7/1/26-6/30/27


To follow up on information shared during the July 27th webinars, we are providing links to the following information:







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