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Summer Safety Tips

Summer months are filled with time spent outdoors in a wide range of recreation activities. Unfortunately, there are risks for children that accompany this season. Awareness and proactive measures can keep summertime both fun and safe.

The following links are for anyone caring for children ? both parents and child care providers. They offer warnings about some of the dangers of summertime and suggest ways to prevent harm to children.
Check this site from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality for daily reports on ozone levels in your part of the state. 
The danger of hot cars for children are described in this article from the National Safe Kids Campaign. It links to a brochure containing information and safety tips on this topic. The brochure can be downloaded in PDF in both English and Spanish versions.

A very clear page of information about sun safety from the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. 
HealthyChildren, a site from the American Academy of Pediatrics has summer safety tips on a lot of topics (swimming, sun, bugs, bikes, scooters, boats, car travel, etc.) Each topic links to a more detailed discussion.
Important summertime warnings from the Consumer Product Safety Commission.


DHHS Press Release - Don't leave kids in hot cars





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