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Birth-Five Strategic Plan Update Request for Applications

DCDEE is pleased to announce a new Notice of Funding Availability for the Preschool Development Grant Birth-Five (PDG B-5) Renewal Grant for the Birth through Five Strategic Plan Update Request for Applications (RFA). DCDEE is seeking to contract with an entity to lead updates to the initial PDG B-5 Strategic Plan developed in 2019 based on the findings and recommendations of the B-5 Needs Assessment Update currently underway to guide North Carolina’s strategic planning efforts to strengthen its early childhood system and services.

Up to $120,000 is available for this effort from July 1, 2022 – December 30, 2022.

Please note: The PDG B-5 Project Period concludes on December 30, 2022. DCDEE anticipates submitting a no-cost extension to continue the work of the PDG grant for up to one year through December 30, 2023. Therefore, up to $120,000 of funding will be available for this project for an initial 6-months through December 30, 2022. Should a no-cost extension option be granted to DCDEE by the federal funder, the same option will be available to the contractor to access funding and continue work through July 31, 2023.  

Applications are due by 5:00 pm on March 18, 2021.

General Instruction for Preparing Your Contract Budget and Budget Narrative.

Application Face Sheet: This form provides basic information about the applicant and the proposed project with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services- Division of Child Development and Early Education. 

Budget template for Preschool Development Grant.


Bidder’s Conference and Q&A Period Updates:

DCDEE held a Question & Answer Period from the February 10 through February 18, 2022 to accept and respond to questions from prospective applicants. During this time no questions were received for this RFA, therefore a Q&A document will not been posted.

DCDEE held a Bidder’s Conference for the Birth-Five Strategic Plan Update RFA #001-PDG-2022 on February 17, 2021 from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm. Applicants may review a PDF of the Bidder’s Conference Slide Deck which includes helpful information in preparing a response to the RFA.

Prospective applications may also check out this resource released by the federal PDG B-5 TA Center, PDG B-5 Strategic Plan Guidance, accessible at the following link:






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