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Deadline Extended - Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG B-5) Program Performance Evaluation (PPE) Plan

Summary Notice of Funding Availability

DHHS Division/Office Issuing This Notice: Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE)

Date of This Notice:  July 10, 2019

Program Name: Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG B-5) Program Performance Evaluation (PPE) Plan

Purpose of the RFA:  DCDEE was awarded funds through the Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG B-5).  PDG B-5 grants were issued to states in order to facilitate collaboration among early childhood care and education (ECE) programs to better serve children and families.  The purpose of this contract is by 12/30/19, to prepare a plan to conduct a formative evaluation of PDG B-5 activities, incorporating results of process evaluations the Contractor will complete for Year 1 activities, and planning for evaluation of activities in future years that may be funded.  Outputs/outcomes may include metrics regarding activities completed, numbers served/participating, as well as focus group and survey findings for specific activities.  The evaluation plan will address how quantitative and qualitative data will be collected and used to determine how well the activities were implemented, as well as their success. Secondarily, the contractor will assist in the development of the application by the state for PDG B-5 continuation funding.

Description: The successful applicant will propose a detailed plan for the PPE including a timeline and budget for activities that that specifically address the following:

  • Build on the proposed PPE design described in the PDG B-5 grant application, and reflect the vision and goals articulated in NC’s Early Childhood Action Plan
  • Conduct a process evaluation of PDG B-5 activities that were completed in Year 1 of the grant , incorporating initial summative data for short-term outputs and outcomes as feasible and appropriate to determine how well the activities are being implemented, as well as their success.  These activities are described in the PDG B-5 grant application referenced above.
  • Include strategies for how the PPE design may be refined as needed as the PDG B-5 Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan are completed and findings available.  Consider information from the Needs Assessment to determine whether additional or new data should be collected for the PPE.
  • Seek PDG federal technical assistance as needed when finalizing PPE design.
  • Determine the appropriate data needed to assess each PDG activity both in Year 1 and in future grant years, and collect all relevant data for each activity that occurred in Year 1.
  • Determine how best to obtain data for each activity, e.g., from interviews, focus groups, participant surveys, or similar strategies to fully understand implementation and outcomes of PDG activities.  Where possible, plan to utilize existing ECE systems and sources, such as the NC Accounting System (NCAS) for grant expenditures; Qualtrics for programmatic feedback from surveys; NC ECIDS; Child Care Subsidy and Regulatory Systems; CPS and SNAP data; IDEA Parts B and C data; the NC Resource Platform; and data systems of PDG partners such as NCPC and CCR&R agencies.
  • Analyze collected data and summarize findings about the successes and struggles in implementing strategies; progress toward meeting goals; lessons learned; costs; and outcomes.
  • Make recommendations for PPE design for future years, if future PDG B-5 funds are made available.

Funding Availability: This RFA will be for a 4-month contract during calendar year 2019.  Up to $100,000 will be available for this project.

Applicant Eligibility: This RFA is open to state agencies and universities, public and private nonprofit organizations with a current 501(c)(3) standing.  Applicants must demonstrate capacity to obtain and analyze relevant quantitative and qualitative data for PDG activities, have successfully planned for or completed research or evaluations of publicly funded services or programs, and have demonstrated expertise in North Carolina’s ECE mixed delivery system.  Applicants must be able to work effectively with a variety of ECE stakeholders, including state and local agencies. Preference will be given to applicants with extensive knowledge of the NC Early Childhood Action Plan. 

How to Apply:

The Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG B-5) Program Performance Evaluation (PPE) Plan RFA and required attachments will be posted to the DCDEE website: on July 10, 2019.

EMAIL an electronic PDF of your application to the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education via:  [email protected]

Deadline for Submission:

Applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 14, 2019.

Questions concerning the specifications, or any information contained within this RFA must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., July 17, 2019. All questions must be sent via email to: [email protected].  Responses to all questions received by the deadline will be posted on the Division of Child Development and Early Education website no later than 5:00 p.m. on July 24, 2019.

Summary Notice of Funding Availability Reporting Form Instructions

Program Name: Indicate the program and pertinent services, as defined in the Program Management Database (PMD).  See

Purpose: The statement of purpose should provide a description of the function of the program. It should give the reason why the program was created.

Description: The description should provide a brief statement of information relating to the nature and scope of the program. Provide enough information that will allow a potential applicant to decide whether to seek more information regarding the program.

Funding Availability: Indicate the total amount of funding that is available to be awarded to all applicants under the announcement, the estimated number of awards to be made, and the maximum amount of a single award (if any).

Eligibility: Clearly define the eligibility requirements and general restrictions for application. Ensure that readers can easily determine whether they are eligible to submit an application for funding.

How to Apply: Provide a general statement concerning how to apply for funding. Do not repeat detailed application instructions that are contained in the Request for Applications.

Deadline for Submission: Specify the date by which applications must either be received or submitted. Ensure that the reader understands how you will document compliance with requirements for meeting submission deadlines (such as the presence of a valid United States Postal Service (USPS) post mark).

How to Obtain Further Information: Provide instructions to potential applicants regarding the action they should take to obtain a copy of the actual Request for Applications or answers to questions.  If information is available at a web site, then provide the URL. Include the name, address, phone number and e-mail address of a person who can be contacted for more information. Make it easy for a reader to reach someone.

Linked documents:

  1. RFA Summary Notice of Funding Availability
  2. RFA Application Face Sheet
  3. Line Item Budget and Narrative Instructions
  4. PDG RFA Line Item Budget Narrative
  5. RFA Application Checklist
  6. Final PDG Program Performance Evlauation RFA
  7. RFA Approval Form PDG



2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
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