February 2021 Child Care Rules Changes
The NC Child Care Commission adopted rules effective February 1, 2021. Many of these rule changes were technical and substantive changes found since 2017 but there are additional rules that have been added as a result of rulemaking petitions submitted to the Commission. Minor changes such as technical wording, re-organization of rules and descriptions to clarify existing rule text were added throughout. Please refer to Chapter 9 – Child Care Rules for complete rule text. For quick reference, the changes have been summarized in the following documents:
FCCH Summary
Center Summary
Several provider documents have been revised to support the changes in rule. As time permits, please review the following revised forms. They can be found under the Provider Tab; Provider Documents and Forms page
• Medical Action Plan
• Off-Premise Activity Permission
• On-going Training Documentation
• Summary of Law Brochure and Poster
• Child’s Application for Enrollment
• Classroom Staff to Child Ratio Sheet
• FCCH Application Packet
• FCCH Rated License Reassessment Packet
• Incident Report Form
A training module is being developed and will be available in the DCDEE Moodle e-learning platform in early March. As a follow up to that, the Regulatory Services Section is planning provider meetings this spring to discuss and answer any questions.