North Carolina Child Care Commission Fourth Quarter Meeting
The North Carolina Child Care Commission will hold its Fourth Quarter Meeting on Monday, April 26, 2021 by WebEx beginning at 9:00 a.m. A public hearing was held on February 8th on proposed rule amendments to 10A NCAC 09 .2828 and .3013 and its fiscal note. The agency proposed edits to Rule .2828 to provide clarification for the self-study/self-assessment requirement beginning at the two- point level in program standards. The self-study/self-assessment must be completed for any family child care home provider who is applying for two or more points in the program standards. The agency also proposed amendments to Rule .3013 to increase the education and training requirements for NC Pre-K teachers and assistants. Comments were accepted through March 16, 2021. The Commission may adopt these rules and fiscal note during this meeting.
The public is invited to join the meeting as an attendee by clicking the link below:
How to Make a Public Comment
If you wish to share a comment verbally, through the web conference, please do the following:
- In order to speak online, you must connect to the meeting through a computer or tablet. DCDEE is unable to open audio lines if a commenter’s connection is through a phone line (either mobile or land).
- Use the “raise hand” function in the WebEx room & wait to hear your name, to be called upon to speak.
- The raise hand function is indicated by the hand symbol and is located on the bottom right of the screen. Click this symbol once, and your interest in speaking with be indicated to the conference online moderator. Speakers will be asked to speak and unmuted in the order in which they indicated their interest.
- When you begin your comment, please identify yourself. Please state your name as well as your associated facility and type, or agency/organization so the group can be aware of who is speaking.
- Please speak slowly and clearly. Please try not to talk over another speaker.