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North Carolina Child Care Commission Special Meeting and Public Hearing June 28, 2021

The North Carolina Child Care Commission (Commission) will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, June 28, 2021  on proposed rules 10A NCAC 09 .3101 - .3104  and fiscal note.  The public hearing will be held by WebEx and will begin at 9:00 a.m. Written comments will be accepted through August 2, 2021 as detailed below.

The Commission previously adopted emergency and temporary rules to meet working families’ needs and to allow for compliance with the Governor's declaration of a state of emergency due to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

Per this declaration, schools were closed to prevent the spread of the disease, but child care centers could continue operating, with additional precautions, to provide care so essential workers could maintain critical functions. Due to some child care programs not operating at full capacity, and the unusual need for care for school-age children during what is typically the school day, families had limited options for daytime care for school-age children learning remotely. The Commission adopted emergency and temporary rules to grant child care centers temporary flexibility to repurpose existing space or open new space to provide safe, daytime care to school-age children and help parents remain in the workforce.

The Commission proposes to adopt permanent rules to extend this flexibility through the duration of the state of emergency. The proposed permanent rules would allow existing, currently licensed child care facilities to immediately utilize space, in addition to what is currently licensed for their facility, to provide temporary care to school-age children who are learning remotely, rather than in typical in-person school, only during a declared state of emergency.

The public is invited to join the meeting as an attendee by clicking the link below:


How to Make a Public Comment


If you wish to share a comment in writing, you may do so in 1 of 3 ways.

  1. Send your comment in an email to [email protected] no later than August 2, 2021.
  2. Send your comment via US Postal mail to Dedra Alston, Division of Child Development and Early Education, Administrative Services Section, 2201 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-2200. Mailed comments must be postmarked no later than August 2, 2021.
  3. Type your comment in the Q&A function of the Child Care Commission’s WebEx Public Comment Hearing (Monday, June 28th at 9:00 am).

If you are submitting written public comment, the Commission asks that you provide (not required) your name and the facility/type of facility/organization that you are representing.

If you wish to share a comment verbally, through the web conference, please do the following:

  1. In order to speak online, you must connect to the meeting through a computer or tablet.  DCDEE is unable to open audio lines if a commenter’s connection is through a phone line (either mobile or land).
  2. Use the “raise hand” function in the WebEx room & wait to hear your name, to be called upon to speak.
  3. The raise hand function is indicated by the hand symbol and is located on the bottom right of the screen. Click this symbol once, and your interest in speaking with be indicated to the conference online moderator. Speakers will be asked to speak and unmuted in the order in which they indicated their interest.
  4. When you begin your comment, please identify yourself. Please state your name as well as your associated facility and type, or agency/organization so the group can be aware of who is speaking.
  5. Please speak slowly and clearly. Please try not to talk over another speaker.





2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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