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North Carolina Early Childhood Equivalency Exam Now Available!

The North Carolina Early Childhood Equivalency Exam is a new pathway option comparable to a NC Early Childhood Credential. Applicants who achieve a score of 80% or higher on the NC Early Childhood Equivalency Exam earn the new North Carolina Early Childhood Equivalency Certificate. This certificate is equivalent to a North Carolina Early Childhood Credential and will qualify the individual to be a lead teacher in an early childhood classroom.

What do I need to take the NC Early Childhood Equivalency Exam?

  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Have a High School Diploma or equivalent
  • Have NCID Account (Creating Your NCID)

To be successful, applicants should be able to implement across developmental domains:

  • Developmentally appropriate environments
  • Guidance techniques
  • Schedules
  • Teaching strategies

The above should support culturally, linguistically, and ability-diverse children and their families in inclusive settings. Applicants should also be able to develop and implement a career/professional development plan.

How long is the exam and what can I expect while taking the exam?

This is a timed exam. It will be 1 hour long. Unfortunately, once you start taking the exam you will not be able to pause it or stop it and try logging back in to finish. Please be sure to set aside one hour in a conducive learning environment to be successful.

Who administers the NC Early Childhood Equivalency Exam?

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) via its online Moodle Training Portal at

Is there a fee to take the NC Early Childhood Equivalency Exam?

There is no fee to take the Exam.

What if I don’t score high enough? Can I try again?

You may make 2 attempts to pass the exam within 6 months. If you do not pass the exam the first time, you may attempt the exam once more within 6 months. If you don’t pass the second attempt, you will be advised to enroll in EDU 119 or pursue one of the other equivalency options.

What does it mean to pass the NC Early Childhood Equivalency Exam? Do I get college credit?

Those passing the exam with a grade of 80% or higher will receive a North Carolina Early Childhood Equivalency Certificate. This new certificate is equivalent to a North Carolina Early Childhood Credential and will qualify the individual to be a lead teacher in a North Carolina early childhood classroom. However, no professional development hours, contact hours or college credit are given for attempting or passing the NC Early Childhood Equivalency Exam. Additionally, this exam does not take place of or is not equivalent to EDU 119.

I passed the exam! What do I do next?

Once you receive your North Carolina Early Childhood Equivalency Certificate, go to the DCDEE Workforce Online Reporting and Knowledge System (WORKS) to upload your certificate. Use your NCID to login.

If you have any questions about the NC Early Childhood Equivalency Quiz, please contact: [email protected].




2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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