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Notice of Funding Availability for the Specialized Family Child Care Technical Assistance Program Request for Applications (RFA)

DCDEE is pleased to announce a new Notice of Funding Availability for the Specialized Family Child Care Technical Assistance Program Request for Applications (RFA).

The purpose of this request for applications is to establish a statewide family child care (FCC) technical assistance and professional development program with a focus on retaining existing FCC providers, increasing the availability of FCC providers for families across North Carolina, and increasing the star-rating of FCC programs through technical assistance, coaching, mentoring, and professional development. The function of this system is to coordinate the work of culturally inclusive technical assistance practitioners that specialize in family child care programs across North Carolina. These practitioners will support the FCC programs by providing services such as individualized coaching and mentoring, identification of resources and community outreach, peer-support, and both group and individualized professional development.

This RFA will be for a 2-year funding cycle (January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2024) with the option to renew for 1 additional year (January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025). Approximately $3,000,000 will be available to support the first 2-year funding cycle and $2,000,000 will be available for the optional third funding year. One award will be funded through this announcement.

Applications are due by 5:00pm on October 10, 2022.


Application Face Sheet

Line Item Budget and Narrative Instructions

Line Item Budget Template




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919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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