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November is Family Engagement Month!

November is Family Engagement Month! Governor Cooper's proclamation reminds us that families are children's first, longest lasting, and most important teachers, advocates, and nurturers. Strong family engagement is central to promoting children's healthy development and wellness. It is important for schools, early learning settings, and communities to welcome families, plan for family engagement, and to assist families in engaging their child's learning. Created in partnership with the Exceptional Children's Assistance Center, the Early Childhood Family Engagement Month Calendar in English and Spanish is packed with fun parenting ideas and resources for families!


To support the early childhood system in planning for and embedding family engagement into programs and services, the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) and its partners are pleased to introduce the Family Engagement and Leadership Framework - available in English and Spanish.  This Framework defines and identifies important family engagement concepts, upholding the definition of family engagement as "doing with-not for-families" and the vision that agencies and programs align strategies to intentionally engage and learn from the adults in a child's life. A Summary of the Framework is also available in English and Spanish.




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