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November is Family Engagement Month

November is Family Engagement Month! Involving families in their children’s development and education leads to lifelong health and success. Family Engagement Month is an opportunity to highlight and remind ourselves of the important role families play in the education and well-being of their children throughout the year. The Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC) and a collaborative group of families, schools, community and state partners, including the Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE), have planned activities during Family Engagement Month to support family, school and community engagement.

Below are a sample of activities that will be happening in the month of November:

  • Early Childhood Family Engagement Month Activity Calendars are available in English, Spanish and Hmong. These calendars include fun activities and resources for families with young children
  • Virtual “Pass the Mic” Parent Panel, November 18, 2021, 6:00pm-7:30pm, celebrating National Parent Involvement Day. Sherry Thomas, Director of the Exceptional Children Division at NCDPI, will be the opening guest followed by a Parent Panel. The panelists will talk about family engagement, the role of parents and share their experiences of parenting a child with disabilities. You will be able to interact with the panelists through chat. Spanish interpretation will be provided. Register Now.
  • More information and activities available on the ECAC Family Engagement Month webpage.

Share out about Family Engagement Month on social media! Find usable social media messages and links to share with your networks.

North Carolina’s early childhood system strives to be family-centered, equity-driven and collaborative. The Family Engagement and Leadership Framework, accessible on DCDEE’s FE&L Webpage, features Guiding Principles and information for agencies to embed meaningful family engagement and leadership.





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