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Stabilization Grant Quarterly Update due Jan 28!

The Quarterly Update for Child Care Stabilization Grants is now available. Grantees use this Quarterly Update to report and document expenditures from the initial quarterly grant payment, which was issued in November 2021. All approved programs must submit their reporting update by 11:59 PM, Friday, January 28, 2022.

What’s New for the Quarterly Update?

  1. Does not save information automatically. Report is 6 short sections—1 page each. Must “Save and Continue” after each section. Be sure to review and answer all questions before moving on to the 6th and last section: Workforce Updates.
  2. In response to feedback from the Monthly Update, we’ve moved the Workforce Update section to the end of the report.
  3. Must upload documentation for expenditures, compensation grant plan/scale, unspent funds.

What information is needed to complete the quarterly update?

  • Dates and explanation for any temporary closures due to COVID-19 that occurred between 10/1/2021 and 12/31/2021, e.g.:
  • Center closed October 1-14.
  • Two-year-old class closed October 29-November 12
  • Home closed December 7-14
  • Current enrollment by age.
  • Detailed information for any new staff members (Use Job Aid – Staff and Training Worksheet) to collect information you’ll need to provide online.)
  • Documentation for Fixed Cost and Families Grant funds used.
  • Documentation for Compensation Grant funds paid (if opted in.)
  • A scale or plan for using Compensation Grant funds (if opted in).
  • Option 1 – Bonuses only
  • Option 2 – Salary and/or Benefits increase
  • Amount of any unspent funds, and a plan to use them later.

What is documentation?

Documentation may include payroll records, canceled checks, invoices, receipts, bank statements, credit card statements, accounting software reports, reports from an accountant, tax bills, loan statements, itemized spreadsheet, etc. Almost anything showing where the money went can be used as documentation, whether typed or handwritten.

Note that the portal has a 5MB total limit for each program’s uploads. There are three places where uploads are requested; so, plan to group your saved files together accordingly to create a single separate PDF* for each section.

  • Section II. Fixed Cost and Families Grant
  • Section III. Compensation Supports
  • Section IV. Unspent Funds

Ready to Update?

Please go to the NC Provider Portal at to login to the American Rescue Plan Stabilization Grants for Child Care Providers Portal (“the Application”) and submit your update.

Need help?

Find detailed upload instructions and screenshots in Job Aid – Stabilization Grant Quarterly Update. Find Stabilization Grants resources.

Contact Stabilization Grants Customer Service:
[email protected]
(919) 814-6300 or (800) 859-0829, Option 3




2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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