  1. Home
  2. What's New
  3. Services
    1. Financial Assistance
    2. Background Checks
    3. Child Care Rules, Law and Public Information
    4. Child Care Development Fund (CCDF)
    5. Preschool Development Grant - Birth through Five
    7. DCDEE Moodle
    8. Early Educator Support (EES)
    9. Licensing
    10. NC FAST
    11. NC Pre-K Program
    12. Workforce Education Unit
    13. Smart Start Reporting System
  4. Parent
  5. Provider
    1. Training and Professional Development
    2. Background Check
    3. Child Care Fee Assistance for Military Families
    4. Child Care Rules
    5. Child Care Subsidy
    7. Emergency Preparedness and Response
    8. Foundations for Early Learning and Development
    9. Licensing
    10. NC FAST
    11. Provider Documents and Forms
    12. Providing Child Care
    13. Provider Resources
    14. Regulated Child Care in NC
    15. Stabilization Grants
    16. Expansion and Access Grants
  6. County
  7. How Do I...?
  8. Search for Child Care
  9. Kindergarten Search
What's New




  • Information about the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been moved to a new, separate area. Information provided by DCDEE related to COVID-19 and child care providers, settings and health precautions can now be found on the Coronavirus Information for Child Care page.



How Do We Improve the Star Rated Child Care License?

Let us know at an upcoming Community Outreach Meeeting

The North Carolina Child Care Commission and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Child Development and Early Education are collaborating to modernize NC’s child care quality rating and improvement system (QRIS), commonly known as the Star Rated License.  We are developing a plan that will be reviewed by the legislature in Spring 2024.  During the next few months, we are collecting information from parents, teachers, administrators, operators, and partners to consider in the plan.  We invite you to participate in the following opportunities for Commission members and Division staff to listen and learn about your experiences and challenges within our Star Rated License system. 

May 22, 2023
12:30pm – 2:00pm
Click to Join Webinar

Webinar password: QRIS (7747 from phones and video systems)

Join by the webinar number

Webinar number (access code): 2422 034 3746



Asheville, NC
May 23, 2023
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Emmanuel Lutheran School
51 Wilburn Place
Asheville, NC

Williamston, NC
May 30, 2023
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Martin Economic Development Telecenter
415 East Blvd #130
Williamston, NC

Greensboro, NC
June 1, 2023
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Children and Family First
1200 Arlington Street
Greensboro, NC

Raleigh, NC
June 13, 2023
4:30pm – 6:00pm
Office of the NCDHHS Division of Child Development and Early Education
333 East Six Forks Road, Room 165
Raleigh, NC

Fayetteville, NC
June 15, 2023
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Tony Rand Student Center/Multipurpose Room
2220 Hull Road
Fayetteville, NC

Morganton, NC
June 20, 2023
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Western Piedmont Community College
Higher Education Center/Room 163
2128 South Sterling Street
Morganton, NC


June 21, 2023
12:30pm – 2:00pm
Click to Join Webinar

Webinar password: QRIS (7747 from phones and video systems)

Join by the webinar number

Webinar number (access code): 2431 490 2321

Charlotte, NC
June 22, 2023

4:30pm – 6:00pm
Child Care Resources, Inc.
200B Regency Executive Park Drive, Suite 240
Charlotte, NC

Jacksonville, NC
June 28, 2023
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Onslow County Public Library    
58 Doris Ave E
Jacksonville, NC

If you are unable to attend these sessions, you may also complete an online survey or write to [email protected].




2201 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-2200
919-814-6300 | 1-800-859-0829 (In State Only)
[email protected]


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