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  • Information about the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been moved to a new, separate area. Information provided by DCDEE related to COVID-19 and child care providers, settings and health precautions can now be found on the Coronavirus Information for Child Care page.



Summary Notice of Funding Availability

DHHS Division/Office Issuing This Notice: Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE)
Date of This Notice:  February 22, 2019
Program Name: Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG B-5) Survey of Early Childhood Education (ECE) Data Users

Purpose of the RFA:  DCDEE was recently awarded funds through the Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG B-5).  PDG B-5 grants were issued to states in order to facilitate collaboration among early childhood care and education (ECE) programs to better serve children and families.  This RFA relates to PDG Activity 1, in supplying information for a required statewide Needs Assessment. 

Description: By 6/10/19, the Contractor will gather information on publicly available ECE data and will submit a preliminary report by 6/26/19 to be included in the statewide Birth-5 Needs Assessment report written by another DCDEE contractor.  The Contractor will also use survey results to make recommendations for ECE information to be added to the NC Early Childhood Integrated Data System, and to inventory available sources for measures of ECE outcomes included in the NC Early Childhood Action Plan.

The successful applicant’s proposal will include an appropriate timeline and budget for tasks described in this RFA regarding providing information on available sources of public ECE program data.

Funding Availability: This RFA will be for a one-year contract during calendar year 2019.  Up to $125,000 will be available for this project.

Applicant Eligibility: This RFA is open to state agencies and universities, public and private nonprofit organizations with a current 501(c)(3) standing who have demonstrated knowledge of North Carolina’s ECE mixed delivery system.  Applicants must demonstrate capacity to obtain and analyze relevant information within the project timeframe, collaborate with a variety of stakeholders, and work effectively with various state and local agencies. 

Deadline for Submission Extended:

Due to the incorrect submission date in the original Summary Notice, applications will be accepted through 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 22, 2019. 

Questions concerning the specifications, or any information contained within this RFA must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., March 15, 2019. All questions must be sent via email to: [email protected].  Responses to all questions received by the deadline will be posted on the Division of Child Development and Early Education website no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 19, 2019.

Linked documents:

  1. RFA Summary Notice of Funding Availability
  2. (Revised) Final ECE Data User Survey RFA
  3. RFA Application Face Sheet
  4. Line Item Budget and Narrative Instructions
  5. PDG RFA Line Item Budget Narrative
  6. RFA Application Checklist



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