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NC Child Care Commission Fourth Quarter Meeting

The North Carolina Child Care Commission will hold its Fourth Quarter Meeting on Monday, April 9, 2018 at the Dix Grill Employee Center, 1101 Cafeteria Drive, Raleigh, NC. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m.  A public hearing for these rules was held on February 12 on proposed rules for rated licenses, administrative actions, civil penalties, and criminal records check in accordance with the periodic review of rules process.  The comment period ends on April 3. The Commission may adopt these rules and their fiscal notes during this meeting.  Please see the directions and map to the Dix Grill Employee center.

Number of views (4952)



Be On The Safe Side: Medication Storage & Administration

Each year, approximately 60,000 young children are treated in our nation’s emergency rooms due to accidental unsupervised medication ingestion. Safe Kids Worldwide compares this to approximately four busloads of children per day visiting the emergency room because they took medication on their own. In fact, 95 percent of medication-related emergency room visits among children under age five are due to a child ingesting medication while unsupervised (the other 5% are due to dosing errors). Each year, 56 children ages fourteen and younger die from unintentional medication overdose. This is an alarming number of children dying from preventable deaths.

Number of views (15149)



Family Child Care Home and Child Care Center Rule

Training Modules Available Online

The Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) is excited to be able to share additional information about the October 2017 child care rule changes in several online training modules. The rules that went into effect October 2017 included new rules, revised rules, and rules that were moved to new sections (renumbered). In view of these many changes, DCDEE has created online training modules to share information about the rules in a clear and consistent manner.

Number of views (8236)



NC Child Care Commission Third Quarter Meeting and Public Hearing

The North Carolina Child Care Commission will hold its Third Quarter Meeting and Public Hearing on February 12, 2018 at the Dix Grill Employee Center, 1101 Cafeteria Drive, Raleigh, NC. The public hearing will be held on proposed rules that the Commission has reviewed in accordance with the periodic review of rules process. These rules are for rated licenses, administrative actions, civil penalties and criminal records check. The public hearing will begin at 1:00 p.m. Please read this memo and fiscal notes (Impact Analysis for Rated License Rules and Impact Analysis for Administrative Actions, Civil Penalties and Criminal Records Check) for more information.

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Be On The Safe Side: Smoke Detectors & Evacuation Plans

Every facility must have both!

Did you know that October is Fire Safety Month? We make lists all the time at home and at work - what needs to be done, how to do it, who needs to be involved. But all too often there is not a list to ensure full preparedness for fire safety. Prevention and planning are key to safe evacuation!

Number of views (3230)



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